Tokyo: An extremely random guide December 22, 2024 I feel like I get asked for my Tokyo recommendations a lot, so I figured I might as well bite the bullet and just write a blog post that I can share with my friends.
Semester 5: A Reflection December 17, 2024 These are the three points I'd make if I had to boil down what I learned this semester.
foodfluenced May 1, 2024 For my ITP 342: iOS Development final project, I was tasked to build an iOS app from scratch using SwiftUI. Here's the journey I took myself to build my own dream app!
Firing Frenzy 🎯 April 23, 2024 For EE 354: Introduction to Digital Circuits, my lab partner and I built an aiming practice game using the Nexys 4 and its built-in Analog ADXL362 accelerometer.
Food Diary: Boston August 13, 2023 I spent two weeks in Boston for a program on AI ethics at Northeastern University, but I was really on a journey to explore the city.
222 August 1, 2023 This summer, I interned at 222 (YC W23) through the Viterbi Summer Smasher program.
Food Diary: USC, Season 2 May 15, 2023 The food scene in LA is spectacular, even if you are DoorDashing it to your COVID isolation hotel room.
Food Diary: USC, Season 1 December 29, 2022 Here are the highlights of what I ate during my first semester at USC!
Food Diary: Penn Quarter July 20, 2022 I may be an almost-native of Northern Virginia, but I have gone to D.C. few enough times to count on my fingers! My best friend and I took a fun trip to the National Mall and found ourselves in Penn Quarter for lunch.
Food Diary: Illinois June 8, 2022 In early April this year, over my spring break, my dad and I embarked on a journey to check out three of my top choice colleges over four days. It was definitely a crunch, but we managed to pull it off and eat lots of good food along the way.
Q&A with Taiwanese writer Paris Shih August 18, 2021 For my junior year HUM (humanities) year-long research paper, I took a deep dive into LGBTQ+ representation in Taiwanese music.
Writeups for HSCTF 8 June 20, 2021 Writeups for LSBlue (misc), pallets-of-gold (misc), glass-windows (misc), audio-frequency-stego (misc).
Writeups for picoMini by redpwn May 11, 2021 Writeups for login (web) and advanced-potion-making (forensics).